By Peter L. Bernstein (1996)
Pages: 337, Final verdict: Great-read
How certain can we be of future events? Against the Gods: The Remarkable Story
of Risk answers the question by following the path of handling uncertainty from
ancient times to modern risk management.
Written in 1996 by the American finance...
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By Adam Grant (2016)
Pages: 326,Final verdict: Should-read
How can someone overthrow a dictatorship, fight for a paradigm shifting change
at the CIA or create the next billion dollar company? What do originals and
non-conformists have in common and how can we get inspired by them?
In an effort...
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By Viktor Frankl (1946)
Pages: 154,Final verdict: Should-read
Can suffering provide a meaning for one's life? In the cruel setting of World
War II concentration camps where Viktor Frankl was imprisoned, he found a
meaning to his suffering, as recounted in his 1946 book Man's...
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By Malcolm Gladwell (2000)
Pages: 259, Final verdict: Great-read
Why all the fuss about the new fashion in town? Trends and ideas grow, but
sometimes they spread like a virus at an incredible pace and range - making us
wonder what is so special about this particular trend that made...
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By Neil Strauss (2015)
Pages: 448, Final verdict: Great-read
Committing to a beloved partner and promising to spend their lives together
might come natural for some people. For some others, it is not so easy.
Especially in today’s relationship dynamics, one could easily find themselves
* Is it possible...
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