By Paul Tough (2013)
Pages: 256, Final verdict: Should-read
Are the children with the highest test scores more likely to succeed in life? As
the United States spend over $550 billion a year on public elementary and
secondary education, this question is always on the forefront of political
campaigns and...
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The Well-Educated Mind [], by Susan Wise Bauer (2003)
Pages: 432,Final verdict: Great-readI have realised a strange paradox recently.
Even though the mankind reached the highest literacy rate ever in history (on
average), the influence of ads, mass media, gerrymandering, conspirators or
populism have risen with...
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By Salman Khan (2012)
Pages: 272, Final verdict: Should-read
Considered by Bill Gates one of the people with the potential to impact our
world the most, Salman Kahn has become a symbol for the new forward-thinking era
of education. And after 365 million views on their videos, and more than...
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