By Barack Obama (2020)
Pages: 701, Final-verdict: Great-read
How does it feel to be the President of the United States? In this first of two
volumes of his memoir, Barack Obama brings the reader a human view of the office
- the feelings, the responsibility, and the family challenges -...
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By M.K. Gandhi (1926)
Pages: 454, Final verdict: Great-read
"Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one as this walked the Earth in flesh and blood." (Albert Einstein about M.K. Gandhi)
An Autobiography: The Story Of My Experiments With Truth is the autobiographical work...
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By Michael J. Sandel (2012)
Pages: 203, Final verdict: Should-read
Is there anything which we shouldn't allow money to buy? What Money Can't Buy -
The Moral Limits of Markets is a call for public discussion on preserving things
such as political hearings or naming rights...
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By Tim Marshall (2015)
Pages: 288,Final verdict: Must-read
How will the Western world react to North Korea's reckless nuclear tests? And
why hasn't China imposed more sanctions? And what about Russia, is it still
controlling Crimea? What was that all about?
Foreign correspondent to Sky...
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By Gideon Rachman (2016)
Pages: 255, Final verdict: Great-read
Which region will be the leading the world in the 21st century? In
Easternization, Gideon Rachman provides convincing arguments that the 21st
century will be dominated by countries in the far east, in particular China,
India and the South-East Asia region....
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